Sunday 19 October 2014

The President For Boko Haram

Idriss Deby: The President For Boko Haram In the release of a handful of Chinese hostages and the wife of the deputy Prime minister of Cameroon, abducted by Boko Haram terrorists this year, the President of Chad was reported by a most reputable New York based editorial, SaharaReporters, to have been pivotal. Idriss Deby of Francophone Chad “by virtue of his relationships with top Boko Haram terrorist commanders” helped Francophone Cameroon “negotiate” the release of the abductees in a deal in which both nation’s apex leaders were directly involved and that had Boko Haram given $400,000 and unbelievably, according to the accurate and confirmed editorial report that first leaked the status of the deal, Idriss and Biya of Cameroon gave Boko Haram sophisticated arms and ammunition and ensured the safe transfer of these weapons to the fighting Boko Haram terrorist commanders in the field. (SaharaReporters; 10/11/14; and Serious Allegations of Cameroon, Chad Arming Boko Haram Is Act of Terror and War –ENDS; 10/12/14) In late August of this year when a surprising revelation was made by Nigerian hired Boko Haram negotiator, Australian Stephen Davis, that a former governor of Borno the Boko Haram plagued State at the border with Chad, Ali Modu Sheriff in addition to the immediate ex-army chief, General Azubuike Ihejirika, were the top sponsors of the Boko Haram terrorist menace; the Nigerian President, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, renowned for his tolerance of the Boko Haram terrorists, their sponsors and their deadly carnage over the six years of his rule, and remembered for his shocking statements in 2012, defending Boko Haram against global calls for rapid extermination, calling them his “siblings” and his family who he “will never send the army to kill;” suddenly this September, a week after the Davis revelation, rushed to Chad for an emergency secret meeting with Idriss Deby. The emergency closed door meeting was held not surprisingly along with the implicated Boko Haram top sponsor, the former governor of Borno, Modu Sheriff who was pictured in attendance and earlier on giving the infamous Janjaweed handshake at the airport. This was the infamous Janjaweed Boko Haram assembly with the Janjaweed handshake. I have written extensively on the necessity of this meeting; the role and reasons Chad sponsors Boko Haram and the mutual benefits of supporting Boko Haram terror by all parties involved. [See: Boko Haram, Big Oil And The Chad Connection; 9/12/14: The #JanjaweedConnection: Boko Haram Unraveling; 9/13/14; Boko Haram: Jonathan, Ihejirika Supervised Foreign Invasion of Nigeria’s Oil Rich Northeast; 9/14/14) For the Nigerian leadership and Chad it is a situation that yields billions of dollars now and in the future, in money for the so-called war on terror (so far Nigeria dedicated over 18 billion dollars from its annual budgets, before the most recent $1 billion loan, to this war through Jonathan’s 6 years yet there is no account for army upgrades and equipment purchases to cover these billions. This has been pointed out by the United States who called for General Ihejirika’s inquiry), and in tandem, secures Chad’s sole exploration and continued harvest of oil from shared oil wells in the Chad basin. Your enemies enemy is your friend. The Nigerian president who yet publicly does not know where Gwoza, serially plagued and destroyed by Boko Haram, is, and who recently in Nairobi referred to Boko Haram plagued northern regions as “those parts,” and stated that the only reason why he now confronted the terror was so it did not come to “his parts” of Nigeria, clearly has little interest in preserving life and land of the northerners and north dwellers over the billions in dollars and oil investments yields he and the person of the former Governor of Borno have in Chad oil. Chad as I wrote earlier orchestrates the same type of chaos at its southern border with the Central African Republic, CAR, where it likewise drills oil from its other border shared wells. The history of France and French colonies sponsoring Boko Haram terror did not first become publicly known this 2014. This has been commonly known information in global security circuits. It is no surprise that when Boko Haram abducted 234 girls from Chibok, the meeting to “address” the crises was immediately summoned at the behest of the French President and was held under his watch in Paris. In 2013, France was reported to have sponsored Boko Haram with a donation of a whooping sum of 3.15 million dollars which was supposedly paid as “ransom” for the release of a single abducted French family. In that transaction, France had Cameroon also released several top Boko Haram commanders who were in Cameroonian jails. (Reuters; 11/14/2013) Most Boko Haram commanders are French-speaking nationals of Chad, Niger and Cameroon, including Abu Mahjin who was sent from Chad to Nigeria to establish Boko Haram II, as US cables report, (Guardian; 12/04/2010), Mamman Nur from Cameroon and group masterminds Khalid al-Barnawi and Abubakar Shekau I, from Francophone Niger; and Boko Haram has always established in these nations and freely recruited soldiers, gotten weaponry and established open training camps from where they set out on their missions to capture territory in English-speaking Nigeria’s resource rich northeast. Boko Haram propaganda messages are also almost exclusively broadcast and promoted through French/France media. Currently, Idriss Deby is not surprisingly involved at the center of the transactions for Boko Haram to release some over 200 abducted girls in an alleged urgent “ceasefire” barely three months ahead of the next Nigerian Presidential elections which current Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan is expected to contest, and importantly, these sudden moves come three weeks after Nigeria’s President secured approval for a $1 billion dollar loan to “combat” the Boko Haram terrorists. The sudden striking of a deal with the terrorists, the conditions of which have not been made known to Nigerians, right after Nigeria’s Senate reluctantly approved a loan for the very opposite – to fight and destroy the last remaining Boko Haram miscreant hoodlum – is possibly the greatest betrayal of the Nigerian people and Senate who authorized the loan. Only an unconditional surrender and submission of all territories occupied by Boko Haram would be acceptable under the current conditions of success of the Nigerian army and Civilian-JTF (#VictoryForNigeria) and with the opportunities of the equipment the $1 billion is meant to purchase. Losers surrender they do not bargain, such a bargain can be regarded as terror sponsorship to protect and preserve the terrorists so they can recruit more northern youth again to freely sacrifice in the war for northeastern land, as they continue their mayhem at a later date, and follows the Ihejrika facilitated endless cycle pogrom doctrine. According to media reports, Boko Haram will deposit the girls with Idriss Deby who will act in their charge and facilitate the smooth transaction. Jonathan is selling Nigeria. The northeast is a business venture and Boko Haram is now incorporated and represented by a nation’s President. In the so-called ceasefire, there has been no talk about the unconditional surrender of all Boko Haram fighters and the releasing of Boko Haram gendarme captured territory in the oil and uranium rich regions of Borno. Boko Haram currently remains in charge of several large cities, which include Bama, Gwoza, Marte, Ngala, Konduga and Dikwa, and control large swaths of land in Borno with hundreds of thousands of Nigerians under their jurisdiction and not just simply the 234 abducted girls. Hundreds of families are under “Boko Haram government.” The release of the abducted girls is no longer the major crises as since the abduction, under the protection of the Jonathan Government and his army Chiefs, Boko Haram now came out of the jungles and captured dozens of Nigerian farming villages and cities with men, women, boys and girls alike held hostage. So what is Idriss Deby’s interest in this transaction? Why does he continue to sponsor chaos in Nigeria? Is it related to the shared Chad basin oil as we have earlier analyzed? Does Idris Debby in this package plan to annex the territories captured by the Boko Haram gendarmes which the Nigerian government has no plans of recovering from Boko Haram? Early this September a Nigerian private jet belonging to the head of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritisejafor, was impounded in South Africa after being found to have been used to smuggle the sum of $9.7 million into the nation to allegedly buy and smuggle arms out. An Israeli and two Nigerians were implicated. Another jet owned by a certain ruling-party politically connected business mogul, Felix Idiga from Imo State, was also associated with the smuggling of money and arms between Nigeria and South Africa. In the recurrent incidents, the smuggling is authorized by the Jonathan cabinet at the top level and millions of dollars is carried in suitcases into the nation and unbelievably always declared to be destined for the purchase of non-specific arms from companies that DO NOT have licenses to sell arms. As Nigeria settles with Boko Haram occupying French forces, what financial deal is involved? Is the seeking of $1 billion to freely use for politics and toward settling Boko Haram terrorist commanders and the leadership of Chad and Nigeria, part of the entire aim and objective of the terror? The final and most worrying question on our minds is: as the Nigerian government has shamelessly admitted that its National security offices, without jurisdiction to purchase arms, approve of deals to carry millions of dollars in suitcases to give companies with no arms licenses in foreign nations; how many cash laden suitcases filled with tens and hundreds of millions of dollars out of the $1 billion borrowed, are being flown and driven into Chad right now as we speak, for “the purchase of ammunition?” Dr. Peregrino Brimah [Every Nigerian Do Something]

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